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 Four Sail: First listen last week

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pooka Posted - 13/10/2008 : 23:08:20
Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I discovered it after I googled Four Sail to see if others found Four Sail as extraordinary as I did.

I started listening to Love in the Mid-eighties when DC 101 played My Little Red Book. I got a Rhino cassette of their "greatest hits" and was blown away by songs like Orange Skies, Seven and Seven Is, and Robert Montgomery. When I finally dropped back into society in the late 90's I got Forever Changes. It was the first album I played through an old tube amp I got from the thrift store. It was like a great secret I carried around, listening to and loving that album. Or like being a part of a secret society, open to anyone who had "ears to hear." (sorry for the biblical reference.) I missed seeing Arthur Lee in concert before he died, but come to think of it I guess he'd be around a little while longer than that. Seize the Day!

Last week I acquired a copy of Four Sail, expecting to be dissapointed because how could you top Forever Changes? It did'nt have to top Forever Changes as it is a class by itself. I still can't believe how much I enjoy "I'm With You," "Dream," "August," ok I love the whole album . . It is so different from Forever Changes that it does'nt suffer from comparison. Thanks for letting me ramble.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rocker Posted - 16/10/2008 : 14:23:39
'Four Sail'..always found it a real enjoyable record....."I'm With You" of Arthur's finest songs..not sure if that's him on lead but there's a cool riff going on all through that to hear those notes...Arthur I think had a great gift for melody...
John9 Posted - 15/10/2008 : 16:49:28
All hail Four Sail! One of the most criminally underrated albums of all time. Not only is the music brilliant - Elektra, through the art work of William S. Harvey and Peter Schaumann, did such a magnificent job on the cover. It stands bespangled as one of the top notch heavy releases of 1969 - alongside The Stones' Let It Bleed, Jethro Tull's Stand Up and of course, The Beatles' Abbey Road........not that I'm biased or anything.
pooka Posted - 14/10/2008 : 23:31:45
Hi Lemonade Kid:

Yes, Harvey (one of my favorite films) was my introduction to pookas but I have since seen them referred to in the Celtic Twilight, among many others, and it is a screenname that has become harder and harder to acquire as others get there first.

I checked out the previous Four Sail post and was happy, a little proud to see that others found it much better than expected. I guess it was current wisdom at one time that it could'nt hold it's own against Forever Changes, Da Capo, etc. So I did'nt bother. I'm over following others opinions about which albums to avoid; I'm embarassed to say it still influences me so I try not to read reviews, even revisionist reviews, til I've given the album a listen myself.

Happy Trails, Pooka
lemonade kid Posted - 14/10/2008 : 00:36:15
Welcome. pooka. Until now I wasn't sure pookas were real! You're not six feet tall with long ears by any chance? My favorite movie.

I only got Four sail a few months ago & love it too. If you go to the "Post-Four Sail..." subject,
you'll get a lot of input about that and other later Love LPs. I'm guessing you have the first two Love LPs by now, also must-haves?!


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Somebody must believe.

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