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 'Gone Baby Gone' - Love song featured

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
John9 Posted - 08/06/2008 : 17:43:00
Although this Boston set crime drama about a missing child was released in America last October, it has arrived in the UK only this weekend. This is of course, because of the distressing real life case which is still in so many of our minds. Directed by Ben Affleck, it is both complex and multi layered and I for one, was really impressed with it. The connection with Love is that there is a very brief excerpt from 'No Matter What You Do' - not Love's version but one recorded in 1999 by UK band Mojave 3. It does not appear on any of their albums but was specially performed originally for the soundtrack of the 1969 set romantic drama 'A Walk on the Moon'.

I hesitated before posting this, given that the song appears in this latest film at the beginning of an especially harrowing scene - one in which we are obliged to consider the depraved depths to which drug dependancy coupled with poverty can drive human behaviour. However, we have catalogued Love's 'filmography' pretty faithfully up to now - and I have especially fond memories of 'High Fidelity', 'Hideous Kinky' and 'Sleepers'.
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The Zodiac Posted - 12/06/2008 : 02:44:19
I caught that too. I rented the film last winter and was pleasantly surprised, not only by the Love song, but by the quality of the film. As usual, as soon as I spotted it I started yelling, "It's Arthur Lee! It's Arthur Lee!", much to the irritation of my wife who was trying to hear the movie.


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