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 David Housden

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Antispam question: What's Mr. Lee's Firstname?
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Kemper Posted - 11/03/2008 : 17:43:22
I recently tried to contact David through his profile on this board. Although, it seems that it's been a while since he's been active around these parts, and I suspect that the e-mail he used to register here is now defunct.

At any rate, if anyone has his most recent contact e-mail, kindly provide it to me via private message. It's literally been years since I've spoken to him!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Allan Posted - 12/01/2010 : 18:06:06

Thank You. I will snail mail him.

Miss you a bunch

All my LOVE

caryne Posted - 12/01/2010 : 17:26:22
Originally posted by Allan


Happy New Year. Hope you're well and all is good

Please e-mail me his home address. I'm not on Facebook, and methinks that's where his addy is?



I shouldn't think his address is on Facebook, but it is here

I'm pretty sure he hasn't moved (and I'm sure someone can put you right if he has).

I had a very quiet Xmas and New Year, Allan but it was very nice. Hope yours was good too, Allan?
Allan Posted - 12/01/2010 : 17:02:36

Happy New Year. Hope you're well and all is good

Please e-mail me his home address. I'm not on Facebook, and methinks that's where his addy is?


caryne Posted - 12/01/2010 : 16:50:16
Originally posted by Allan

Joe Morris and all

I too would be VERY interested in purchasing every issue as a lot or individually if need be.

I only rapidly speed-read through this. Is there a way to get in touch with David?


Yes, just write to his home address. I know it's old fashioned but it works!!!
Allan Posted - 12/01/2010 : 16:34:51
Joe Morris and all

I too would be VERY interested in purchasing every issue as a lot or individually if need be.

I only rapidly speed-read through this. Is there a way to get in touch with David?

Joe Morris Posted - 04/01/2010 : 17:14:36
trying to buy them in lot
caryne Posted - 04/01/2010 : 09:02:30
Originally posted by Joe Morris

hey Dukie! (from Wales?) - thanks if you're the one who sent me on the tape with Four Sail and the New Rose album on it in the late 90s (?)

it was hard to find that stuff here in the States at that time, even on import!

you should tell Dave to unload his back issues of the Castle on eBay. Those do still sell, although I'm more interested in the scrapbooks he used to publish on groups like the Left Banke, Nick Drake (the individual NOT the group!)

Of course now theres Wikipedia

Back to watching the Star Wars Holiday Special here in NJ - happy Yule all!

Yes, that'll be the 'Dukie'. there's only one

I'm pretty sure David still sells his back issues via his home address, why bother with giving ebay money when you can do it yourself?
lemonade kid Posted - 04/01/2010 : 06:48:52
"Arthur Lee: Love Story" is on Amazon for $213.11 (new), $125+ (used)....

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
Joe Morris Posted - 03/01/2010 : 23:27:42
hey Dukie! (from Wales?) - thanks if you're the one who sent me on the tape with Four Sail and the New Rose album on it in the late 90s (?)

it was hard to find that stuff here in the States at that time, even on import!

you should tell Dave to unload his back issues of the Castle on eBay. Those do still sell, although I'm more interested in the scrapbooks he used to publish on groups like the Left Banke, Nick Drake (the individual NOT the group!)

Of course now theres Wikipedia

Back to watching the Star Wars Holiday Special here in NJ - happy Yule all!
Dukie Posted - 03/01/2010 : 21:54:14
I spoke to David earlier today and everything is fine with him.He is spending a lot of his time involved with his artwork and only looks at this site from time to time. Caryne was correct about the Facebook profile... he did set one up, but has never really used it since.
He was contacted in the early stages of the new biography on Arthur, and I am sure that he was very helpful to the author. He told me that he is looking forward to the book, and he has also been in touch with Diane Lee. I know that John E spoke to David today as well, so he may well post on this topic.
Gill Posted - 01/01/2010 : 18:38:47
Tina - I hope you get a response from David, he really is a legend in Love fandom!

caryne Posted - 01/01/2010 : 12:14:55
Originally posted by Tina

I've sent him a letter - on a piece of paper in an envelope with a stamp!

There's nothing like those old time methods

It probably is his page on facebook (I couldn't look at it properly as I'm not a member) but, knowing David, he probably set it up and never went back to it
Tina Posted - 01/01/2010 : 02:07:00
I've sent him a letter - on a piece of paper in an envelope with a stamp!
dave Posted - 31/12/2009 : 19:02:03

could it be ?

"oh the snot has caked against my has turned into crystal"
caryne Posted - 31/12/2009 : 14:12:38
Originally posted by Tina

Calling David Housden!! I'm trying to get in touch. Do you still look at this board, or does anyone have an up to date email address? I tried sending a email to the last address I have but it bounced back.

Love on earth will be.

He really does seem to have vanished. Have you tried writing to his home address? Sorry to state the obvious but, from what I know of him, he was never that keen on the internet.

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