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 Love's "Forever Changes" Double Disc Track List

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Merlyn Merlot Posted - 22/02/2008 : 04:33:25
Here it is
hope to see lots of us June 7 mm

Love's revered 1967 album "Forever Changes" will be celebrated in an expanded edition due April 22 via Rhino. The big treat for collectors is a previously unreleased mix of the entire alum save for closer "You Set the Scene," which first appeared on a 2001 Rhino reissue of the set.

In addition, the label has uncovered 10 bonus tracks for the second disc, six of which are previously unreleased. Among them is "Andmoreagain" with an alternate electric backing track, a different mix for outtake "Wonder People (I Do Wonder)" and a cover of Sam The Sham and the Pharoahs' "Wooly Bully."

Look for a June 7 "Forever Changes" tribute concert to be held at the Malibu (Calif.) Performing Arts Center. Love frontman Arthur Lee past on in August of 2006.

Here is the bonus material for "Forever Changes" (* = previously unreleased):

Alternate mix:
"Alone Again Or" *
"A House Is Not A Motel" *
"Andmoreagain" *
"The Daily Planet" *
"Old Man" *
"The Red Telephone" *
"Maybe The People Would Be The Times Or Between Clark And Hilldale" *
"Live And Let Live" *
"The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This" *
"Bummer In The Summer" *
"You Set The Scene"

"Wonder People (I Do Wonder)" -- Original Mix (Outtake) *
"Hummingbirds" -- Demo
"A House Is Not A Motel" -- Backing Track *
"Andmoreagain" -- Alternate Electric Backing Track *
"The Red Telephone" -- Tracking Sessions Highlights *
"Wooly Bully" -- Outtake *
"Alone Again Or" -- Mono Single Remix *
"Your Mind And We Belong Together" -- Tracking Sessions Highlights
"Your Mind And We Belong Together"
"Laughing Stock"
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
floweringtoilet Posted - 10/04/2008 : 17:51:17
It's hard to know how exciting this will be, because it will depend in large part on just how different the "alternate mixes" are. Usually when the word "alternate mix" is (as opposed to "alternate take") it means only very subtle differences (i.e. the same take mixed somewhat differently). I doubt this will provide any major revelations. I'm sure I'll buy it no matter what though.
Joe Morris Posted - 10/04/2008 : 02:13:54
I think Arthur was pissed cos he didn't have any input on the Forever Changes Rhino reissue (granted he was in jail then!)

He said the intro to Number 14 was left off on the reissue (the first album?) but it seems to be intact

Elektra actually sent Arthur stuff when he was in prison.. I was reading the notes for the Elektra box set Forever Changing and he used to send them lists while he was inside!
watchinallthapeople Posted - 10/04/2008 : 00:35:38
I wouldn't be too dismissive of the alternate mixes

It's gotta be said that I know nothing about the thought processes of the production staff behind the original release

but listening to the alternate mix of you set the scene I'm guessing that the label fought that the version on the album sounded more commercial than the alternate mix

now after all thats happened in the music scene the alternate mix sounds prophetic

In interviews arthur always changed his opinion about the Eleckra records sometimes forever changes was a classic and some times Dave Briggs ruined it by overproducing it

I remember seeing him with baby lemonade in Wrexham (Wales) in 2003 without the orchestra and it sounded really raw when he played the forver changes tunes
I was talking with one of my uncles on the way back and we both were remebering Arthurs comments about how he wanted forever changes to sound more stripped down and how that maybee the concert sounded more like how he originally envisioned the record

I don't wanna be too optimistic but I'm expecting to hear something pretty cool **** when this record comes out
Joe Morris Posted - 09/04/2008 : 19:20:28
I went to school with Amoeba!
ThomasGalasso Posted - 09/04/2008 : 00:01:22

This now jobless man almost got excited and ran out the door to Amoeba.

torben Posted - 08/04/2008 : 08:16:49
The cd's can now be pre-ordered at Rhino:
Lizzyb Posted - 06/04/2008 : 10:04:11
There's a little mention (qusrter column or so - but at the top) in May Mojo with that lovely photo of Arthur again.

Keep on shining
ZFarrar Posted - 20/03/2008 : 06:37:47
I wonder if the "alternate take" version of Alone Again Or the one with Bryan at lead vocals?.
undergroundbasement Posted - 17/03/2008 : 00:55:22
...and I thought it was "out of the question"! Thank you for the heads up, can't wait to see the track list! I just hope it consists of new material rather than "alternate mixes" of songs we already have. Nonetheless, since I've recently become a full-blown Love addict, I'd buy it regardless!
Merlyn Merlot Posted - 16/03/2008 : 18:36:18
Multi Disc Box set is a go From Rhino later this year
I am wating for the track list from a friend that works there

as soon as i get it
ill post it here

cheers mm
undergroundbasement Posted - 16/03/2008 : 12:06:48
Is there enough unreleased material for a posthumous disc? A boxed-set is probably out of the question, but I'd really like to hear more outtakes and demos from the Elektra years.
Joe Morris Posted - 16/03/2008 : 03:06:55
Wonder if the different mix for Wonder people is the version of "I do wonder" on the 2nd Arthur Lee solo album..

It was originally on a 4 track mid 70s ep or something. More Changes ?(whatever that was - I cant remember)

It had Just Us and a couple other tracks, though I do wonder was the keeper

Later turned up on the mediocre Arthur Lee album (1980 - Rhino Records), which also had a lame version of 7 and 7 is
as well (nobody knows why)

At least that was better than "Bend Down"!!
watchinallthapeople Posted - 01/03/2008 : 20:46:34
Quite excited about that

Merlyn Merlot Posted - 25/02/2008 : 16:37:22
and this should not be confused the The Love Box set
also coming from Rhino
astrolobe33 Posted - 25/02/2008 : 15:11:13
Wow! This is looking pretty great after all. Can't wait to hear it.

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