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 Five String Serenade

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
longtimelovefan Posted - 10/10/2007 : 04:04:22
Embarassing for a long time love fan (since '66), but I'd never heard this song before going to, and it's the song that automatically plays. wow! what a gem. so great to discover it now, so long after it was recorded, and so bittersweet hearing it a year after arthur's death. check it out!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Rob Dudda Posted - 18/10/2007 : 11:42:07
Originally posted by gordo

the White Stripes have played it live a few times too

Jeez.......Arthurs original is a million times better
stewart Posted - 18/10/2007 : 01:26:33
here's the version Arthur played on Radio London c 1992
gordo Posted - 10/10/2007 : 13:56:07
the White Stripes have played it live a few times too
stewart Posted - 10/10/2007 : 12:24:53
A simple song but a classic and worth buying the album for that song alone. It was nicely covered by the awesome Mazzy Star who released it as a single in the UK, later appearing on their album 'So Tonight That I might see'

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