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T O P I C    R E V I E W
otis robb Posted - 13/10/2004 : 03:05:59
as support for Arthur Lee and Love for 2005? Who cares if nobody else thinks so...okay okay dont get so fiesty or anxious now!
My vote would be for THE CHURCH. Now that would be a sensational pairing, each alternating as the 'support. They are also a group that is hard to pinpoint or catergorize. Probably the second sure shot would be PHAROAH SANDERS. Either would be el supreme...till the next
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jazzy mary Posted - 13/10/2004 : 18:49:59
Oh Lord, the garbage that goes on behind the scenes...!

Who is the artist you're trying to book? Feel free to e-mail me.
otis robb Posted - 13/10/2004 : 18:19:01
Yes mary, but that stubborness can put them in a place that if a little bit of thought was put behind it, well would have some different thought for the afterthought! Its like the DELLS, they are totally outrageous in their asking price. CHUCK BARKSDALE who does some of the bookings (he's one of the orig. members) has come up close to $40,000 price tag for just 65 minutes of their same old tired set continous performed for the last how many years, its just plain GREED! (and they HAVE been releasing new albums over the years, though the general public just knows them for their 'few hits') Im glad certain promoters will lose their shirts just to have a living legend perform at their facility I wouldnt! What is too that when these folks 'get a taste' of the bread being paid to them overseas(Japan Europe, the festivals and all) they THINK in those terms here in the US. Its not that way. Look what happen to JAZZ AT THE BISTRO in ST. Louis. Yeah its still open but very few acts perform there, because of the club's non-reluctance to give to the high price tag of past performers. Talent should be rewarded accordingly not BY some ego-centered non-selfless idiology!!!
And on the flipside, there are dabblers who DONT know what to do with their money and put on these concerts which advocates the wrong kind of thinking for all parties involved. Too bad. That was one of things Ive been thinking about regarding this last ARthur Lee/Love tour! He's been performing in some 'larger' theatres where the 'expense' to even break even is questionable at best. The first thing that has come to my mind is someone is 'bankrolling' this thing! (I believe one of the postings stated that at a venue in Calif when he was gigging with ROD ARGENT AND COLIN BLUNSTONE, that only a little over 20 seats were sold out a possible 2200!) I know Im currently involved with trying to book an artist who was with CAPITOL RECORDS for 4 albums in the late 70's hasnt been a conformist either and suffering because of it too! (now)
As for Pharoah, I still admire his verve and trailblazing efforts, yeah, but so what if he's paid his dues, people like the gentleman Im trying to get dates for still are! Greed inevitable kills it, in part (a big factor) in music getting to the people (who dont know the garbage that goes behind the scenes) till the next...
jazzy mary Posted - 13/10/2004 : 18:00:45
Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea about Pharoah. He stilll commands good $, it's just that I know he can be stubborn about the $ and will not do a gig unless he's happy with the $--hey, he's older, he's paid his dues--why should he do something he's not happy with? The only problem is that sometimes everyone else wants to do something, for example, a few years ago they wanted to get the "Creator Has Master Plan" group going around and touring and everyone was up for it--welcomed it, but Pharoah was the hold-out over $ and some other bull.
Very disappointing.
otis robb Posted - 13/10/2004 : 17:52:38
You know what that says about all of this, is that regardless of their talent, they are still living in a different timeline. Im involved with radio here in Nashville and have interviewed people such as GEORGE DUKE, who in my estimation, are still quite humble! As he put it, some people think THEY ARE STILL worth what they once were back some 25 or 30 years ago! They wont give in regarding that stubborn 'virtue' of theirs. Its a shame someone of Pharoah's caliber thinks like that...but you know, money and status changes people. Their asking price is hardly in contention to the standard of the day and is way out of league- to the tone of really funkin out of bounds!!! till the next....
jazzy mary Posted - 13/10/2004 : 16:46:13
Pharoah would be great, I thought of that too. I know a bunch of people who play with him--maybe I can contact him? He's so very strange though. And for Pharoah, it's all about the money.
otis robb Posted - 13/10/2004 : 05:11:34
okay BRG, only if HAWKWIND WAS in the mix too!!!! Gotta please everyone....
bigrubberglove Posted - 13/10/2004 : 04:40:50
My vote would be the Stranglers or the Damned.

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