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 It's a LOVE-ly day in Philadelphia

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Allan Posted - 09/10/2004 : 13:12:40
I've known a DJ for a very long time. Michael Tearson began his career in the 60's, and had survived through the years. He now has a show that he does every Saturday morning starting at 6:00 A.M. for 2 hours called 'Saturday Morning 60's'.

Last Saturday, Michael was playing a couple Zombies tunes. So I v-mailed him and requested that he honor LOVE by playing some LOVE songs for the upcoming 10/14 gig in Collingswood, NJ.

I tuned in this morning, where he announced that he is the MC of the upcoming concert, and that today's show is dedicated to LOVE and The Zombies. He's playing a bunch of Zombies tunes AND also...

Set list:...First hour

Alone Again Or
Between Clark and Hilldale
Hey Joe
The Daily Planet

Second hour

My Little Red Book
And More Again
Live And Let Live
7 and 7 is

Michael is really pumped for this gig. So my fears of this concert not being duly advertised has been eliminated. Philadelphia is giving LOVE their due respect. It's so very cool...Philadelphia loves LOVE

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