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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Freedom Man Posted - 06/10/2004 : 19:08:30
Part Two of The Diary that is called Diary is online NOW NOW NOW. Pitty I can not write in Neon!

Anyway, here it is:

Cheerio Ya'all,
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lizzyb Posted - 08/10/2004 : 23:40:27
hey guys, you have to do it

just go to a smany as you can. I have tina to egg me on, so I've seen a lot this year, but the goood ones (the majority) are so brilliant, it's worth the risk

Keep on shining
bob f. Posted - 08/10/2004 : 02:45:52
bigrub- you get no sympathy from me! 3rd row, horns and strings! let us know how it was! i was 5 rows back, center at wilshire ebell theater , hollywood last week.sweet! Arthur AND love was HOT!!!
Aake Posted - 08/10/2004 : 01:03:45

Shine on and LOVE one another.
bigrubberglove Posted - 07/10/2004 : 05:32:54
This is fantastic news. I am so happy for the band that everything is clicking! And I am totally thrilled by the fact that new material may be coming out soon.

These guys are troopers. I really am happy to hear that Arthur gives 100% even in small out of the way places. This shows that he is concerned with refining his craft to the highest caliber. His voice is a miracle. It is the aloe that soothes my soul. A beauty so remarkable that I can't describe it. And yes, I have 3RD ROW seats for the NYC Town Hall show. I am even considering taking a bus to DC on the 16th to catch the show next door in Virginia. It would be extravagant but it could be worth it!

Gill Posted - 07/10/2004 : 01:04:10
If you find a way let me know because I'm trying to work that one out too Lizzy!

Lizzyb Posted - 06/10/2004 : 20:54:55
a dream come true

now... how can i get across the atlantic without being missed?

Keep on shining
LarryNYC Posted - 06/10/2004 : 19:17:47
Wow it seems Mr Echols is on the road again!!

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