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 With A Little Help Of My Friend..........

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Freedom Man Posted - 05/10/2004 : 20:33:09
I just uploaded the latest Diary from Mike Randle.
Where are they, What do they do........only 1 way to find out at: as always

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jazzy mary Posted - 06/10/2004 : 16:54:40
Man, no rooms for the band!! That is frickin' outrageous! I've heard many, many stories from jazz musicians about life on the road but I don't think I've ever heard of one where they didn't have a room and were forced to sleep on the bus! At least have the band double up!
LarryNYC Posted - 05/10/2004 : 21:22:05
Ha ha they took the c out of Scun thorpe lmao
LarryNYC Posted - 05/10/2004 : 21:20:24
Sounds just like S****horpe to me lol

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