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 Love / Arthur Lee
 General Discussions about Arthur Lee and Love
 Lots more pics on The New Guy's site

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tina Posted - 01/10/2004 : 23:13:48

Some great ones of Arthur and the band and Johnny Echols!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Barber John Posted - 06/10/2004 : 19:48:15

The 'planet of the apes' t shirt is by BAPE. Pretty exclusive gear at exclusive prices. A little more than the 5 bucks he paid for a suit. I guess when you pay so little for a suit you can splash out on the odd t shirt

Barber (aka fashion victim) John
Fingaz Posted - 05/10/2004 : 10:56:31
Great pics TNG, Arthur looks great!!
Tina Posted - 02/10/2004 : 08:50:19
Great pics TNG. Arthur's new look is great, I like Mike's "Planet of the Apes" T shirt - and we even get a glimpse of Troels (the tall guy with deadlocks with his back to the camera in some shots)

Lizzy, I reckon our next "tour" could well involve some foreign travel..
LarryNYC Posted - 02/10/2004 : 02:11:24
That portrait type shot is great, very photogenic lol.
Allan Posted - 02/10/2004 : 01:04:55
Is it possible that I may get to see Johnny? I hope...I hope.
Lizzyb Posted - 02/10/2004 : 00:10:55
and i like arthur's look - youthful i reckon

Keep on shining
Lizzyb Posted - 01/10/2004 : 23:23:49
wow tina

glad you found those ones. wonder if mr echols will ever get over here one day... or maybe we just have to go over there..

x x

Keep on shining

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