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 Thank You, Baby Lemonade

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
myoungish Posted - 07/08/2006 : 23:53:11
A big, heartfelt thanx to Baby Lemonade for being responsible for the glorious, magical last incarnation of Love. You guys and Arthur have undoubtedly provided countless thousands of us with the absolute greatest shows of our lives.

You've brought smiles and awe and goosebumps and massive amounts of natural dopamine flooding to the brain. You've brought tears to the eyes of the most cynical and jaded New Yorkers (a good friend), and made life-long fans out of grumpy girlfriends dragged to the show(seduced from the very moment the glorious bassline to My Little Red Book filled the breathless air, and Arthur sauntered out in full psychedelic cowboy regalia, shaking his tambourine to the beat with that enigmatic and slightly mischievous smile of his.)

You guys are stellar, awesome musicians and true gents, and your loyalty and devotion to Arthur is to be commended. Thanks again.

Michael Young
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kdion11 Posted - 10/08/2006 : 18:34:35
Originally posted by ZFarrar

JR: Great post and analysis of AL. The irony is Bryan wrote the most famous Love tune of all.
But I have to give Arthur credit in that incredible version of "Old Man" which he performed
in the last 3-4 years. What I am waiting to see is any move from the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, of course they waited for Frank Zappa to pass on before they rewarded him, maybe this is what it will take unfortunately.

KD: I agree. I think Arthur's passing will cause two things to happen: # 1: Love's (eventual) inclusion into the RnR Hall of Fame
# 2: Uncle Bob Krasnow coming out of the woodwork with the Olympic Studio Love / Hendrix tapes.

Free the tapes !
Shaun Arnold Posted - 10/08/2006 : 11:19:30
i hear what you are saying re:Jimi/Love.
in my own experience it was a natural progression from firstly, late Hendrix recordings to where it originated from Arthur and Love.,
The sweet disorder Posted - 10/08/2006 : 11:09:36
Personally I think there was two major influences in the way Arthur wrote music. One positive and one not so positive. Bryan's influence on Arthur I think is immeasurable, without getting too techie about this I'm pretty sure that Bryan brought chord changes and chords that changed the way Arthur wrote music. He was able to put his own unique slant on things, which I think elevated him to genius standard above "major" talent. The prime example of this is the use of major 7th chords (Fmaj7 and Cmaj7 primarily)They are very romantic sounding chords (for example the opening strum to Andmoreagain is Cmaj7. (compare this to the darker opening arpeggio A7 chord of She Comes in Colors) Forever Changes is colored by major 7th chords which along with Arthur's lyrics and songs give it that slightly queasy, discordant feel.

This is not to say that I feel that Bryan is the hidden genius behind Love. One of Arthur's talents was to draw this from people either consciously or sub-consciously. I think Bryan was a telented songwriter, however, I can not discern any of Arthur's influence on the way Bryan wrote music. Maybe this had something to do with the politics of the band.

The 2nd influence on Arthur was clearly Jimi Hendrix. I remember reading somewhere that somebody visited Arthur at his house and he had either "Purple Haze" or "Are you Experienced" on continual play. It is obvious that he felt Jimi had stolen his thunder and decided to go an heavier route to compete. It's a matter of opinion whether people think he suceeded. For me he didn't, but there is a lot of people on this board that enjoy the heavier albums better and that's fair enough.

aldo Posted - 10/08/2006 : 01:03:22
Yeah Baby Lemonade were great, I think they presented the music of love really well, Ill never forget arthur and johnny and baby lemonade on stage last april in edinburgh amazing show,
ClarkandHilldale Posted - 10/08/2006 : 00:15:04

I just want to personally thank Baby Lemonade for keeping
the flame burning for all these years. Thank you gentlemen.
Your efforts on behalf of Arthur and the music helped bring
it to a new generation of fans.
waxburn Posted - 09/08/2006 : 20:59:49
Originally posted by oldfartatplay

As a long term fan,I have always felt that the big problem for Arthur was the post Monterey rise & rise of Jimi Hendrix,with the post-FC Arthur looking for new directions,but spending too much of his energy emulating Jimi (in common with many other musicians at the time).In doing so,I feel that he lost sight of his own vision,and could not again touch the poetic space that he,and the band brought forth on FC.That said....few artists can even dream of producing such a work.

...and Waxburn,I have to ask,just where does Bryan Maclean fit in your scheme of things?

Shine On - JR.

Bryan and Johnny E were and are great talents, however, for
whatever reasons they opted out of the band-while Arthur carried on for many more albums and performances. I beleive that AL was the only member of LOVE to be on every record, and 99.00 percent of
their live shows. Just go to anyone familiar with rock and roll
and utter the word Love and right away they will utter back "Arthur Lee".
ZFarrar Posted - 09/08/2006 : 20:31:02
JR: Great post and analysis of AL. The irony is Bryan wrote the most famous Love tune of all.
But I have to give Arthur credit in that incredible version of "Old Man" which he performed
in the last 3-4 years. What I am waiting to see is any move from the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, of course they waited for Frank Zappa to pass on before they rewarded him, maybe this is what it will take unfortunately.
oldfartatplay Posted - 09/08/2006 : 18:30:25
As a long term fan,I have always felt that the big problem for Arthur was the post Monterey rise & rise of Jimi Hendrix,with the post-FC Arthur looking for new directions,but spending too much of his energy emulating Jimi (in common with many other musicians at the time).In doing so,I feel that he lost sight of his own vision,and could not again touch the poetic space that he,and the band brought forth on FC.That said....few artists can even dream of producing such a work.

...and Waxburn,I have to ask,just where does Bryan Maclean fit in your scheme of things?

Shine On - JR.
waxburn Posted - 09/08/2006 : 17:51:05
Originally posted by ZFarrar

Poetry, the point about being critical of BL was aimed at Waxburn, not you. You jumped in here, I have no idea who you are except for some absurd point you attempted to make on the money collected at the LA benefit. Waxburn: of course BL felt privaleged to play with AL, however this is where you the fan, and BL the performers split. They had to deal with the day to day that wasn't so pleasurable. Deal with it, or chose to live in a fantasy world.


"Deal with it?"
No I am not really interested in the day to day, I am interested
in LOVE music. LOVE=Arthur Lee. Then and Now- everywhere outside
of this forum, which is ironic.
ZFarrar Posted - 09/08/2006 : 17:17:33
Poetry, the point about being critical of BL was aimed at Waxburn, not you. You jumped in here, I have no idea who you are except for some absurd point you attempted to make on the money collected at the LA benefit. Waxburn: of course BL felt privaleged to play with AL, however this is where you the fan, and BL the performers split. They had to deal with the day to day that wasn't so pleasurable. Deal with it, or chose to live in a fantasy world.
waxburn Posted - 09/08/2006 : 16:35:58
Originally posted by Mr. Blues Singer

Many people had never heard of Forever Changes or Arthur Lee if it was not for Baby Lemonade. I guess it goes both ways.

I don't have any idea what anybody else knows. I know that I would never would have heard of Baby Lemonade had in not been for Arthur Lee. BL had nothing to do with FC it was recorded in the 60's.

Personally, I would have felt privileged to be onstage with AL
performing that material, but then again, thats is just me.
I am sure BL will soon be a great success.
Mr. Blues Singer Posted - 09/08/2006 : 15:57:34
I could not agree more.
astrolobe33 Posted - 09/08/2006 : 15:50:50
I could never read any sense into the idea of pitting one against the other any old way...
Mr. Blues Singer Posted - 09/08/2006 : 15:40:43
Many people had never heard of Forever Changes or Arthur Lee if it was not for Baby Lemonade. I guess it goes both ways.
waxburn Posted - 09/08/2006 : 14:16:15
BTW how can any thinking person be critical of Baby Lemonade after all they did to bring Forever Changes to the forefront 35 years after its release is beyond me.

I suggest that you read the diaries and the posts. I would have never heard of Baby Lemondade if not for Arthur Lee, I wish them
success in their forthcoming tour.

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