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 Condolence Cards

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ocfan Posted - 04/08/2006 : 20:48:50
Anyone wishing to send sympathy cards or just a note to Johnny, , or the members of Baby Lemonade can send them to largejarsongs at 12440 Moorpark St. #117, Studio City, Ca 91604. Judith has been kind enough, to offer, to pass the cards along to the appropriate people. I know many of us would like to let all the people really close to Arthur, know that we are united in grief for the loss of Arthur Lee.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ocfan Posted - 06/08/2006 : 01:17:36
Emails for Johnny, can be sent to All sympathy cards can be mailed care of Large Jar Music 12440 Moorpark St #117, Studio City, Ca 91604.
Again just address them to (example) Johnny Echols, care of Large Jar Music at the above address.
ocfan Posted - 06/08/2006 : 00:27:39
Hi Arnstein:
I sent a reply to you via email.
Take care

Arnstein Posted - 05/08/2006 : 23:10:59
Is it possible to e-mail the letter to you so you can forward it?
ocfan Posted - 05/08/2006 : 06:12:23
The cards can be addressed to Johnny, the members of Baby Lemonade, in care of largejarsongs. Judith will be able to pass them on to them.
Such a sad day.

Hopefully, if there is a memorial service someone will let us know so we can send flowers or a donation to the Cancer society in Arthur's memory.
Kula John Posted - 04/08/2006 : 23:00:24
Thank you for the info. I hope this isn't a silly question but who should we address the card to?

This is the time and this is the time and it is time, time, time, time, time, time, time.....

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