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 OH SH---! Is This True? ...Get Well Soon, Arthur!!

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astrolobe33 Posted - 06/04/2006 : 16:01:35
I just received this message, forwarded by Mike Watt, don't know anything else (p.s. I consider this a rumor, don't shoot the messenger):

Apr 6, 2006 6:19 AM
Fwd: Arthur Lee Needs LOVE

"Liz Garo" wrote:
> Arthur Lee from Love has recently been
> diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
> (ALL) and has undergone 3 weeks of aggressive
> chemotherapy. Doctors are hopeful for a full
> recovery, but Arthur still faces more chemo,
> extensive hospital stays, and a possible bone
> marrow transplant. Arthur Lee has no health
> insurance to cover his growing (over
> $100,000+) medical bills.
> Arthur Lee (Love) is a man larger than life.
> A flamboyant artist with a trail of myth and
> mythology that follows him like a purple
> feathered boa. His band Love was the first
> rock band signed to Electra, and Arthur is
> responsible for talking Jac Holtzman into
> signing the Doors. Before all this, in 1964,
> Arthur gave his friend, an unknown Jimi
> Hendrix, his first appearance on record (the
> Arthur penned My Diary, by Rosa Lee Brooks).
> Love's third recording, "Forever Changes", is
> still widely considered to be one of the great
> rock n roll discs of all time. Love were true
> artists, but not "careerist". They preferred
> living together in "the castle" near Griffith
> Park, to life on the road. Arthur even turned
> down invitations to perform at the Monterrey
> Pop Festival and Woodstock.
> In the 90's Arthur spent eight years behind
> bars for "allegedly" shooting off a gun in
> his apartment. When he was released, he
> wasted no time getting back to the road and
> his music. During the past four years, Arthur
> has performed "Forever Changes" to sold out
> audiences and fantastic reviews throughout
> Europe and the United States, backed by the
> local group Baby Lemonade, and a string and
> horn section. Just when he thought his bad
> times were finally over, he learned he was
> sick.
> To help cover his medical expenses, Spaceland
> Productions, Bruce Solar from The Agency
> Group, and Mark Linn from Delmore Recording
> Society are producing a benefit concert /
> tribute for Arthur. We would like to extend a
> warm invitation to those bands and performers
> who want to be part of this benefit to honor
> one of the greatest singer / songwriters of
> our time.
> The concert will be held in late May / early
> June; we are looking at venues of all sizes:
> The Avalon, El Rey, Disney Hall, or Greek
> Theatre with the line up determining the
> location. Artists we are currently speaking
> with include X, Calexico, and Cake. Baby
> Lemonade is available to back up any singer
> and there will be a string section as well.
> We are looking for artists to perform a few
> of Arthur's songs that capture the spirit and
> magic of Arthur Lee & Love. All proceeds will
> go to Arthur's medical expenses.
> For further information please contact:
> Mitchell Frank or Liz Garo: 323 662 7728
> Bruce Solar: 310 385 2800
> Mark Linn: 615 480 6923
> Thank you.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Judith Posted - 14/04/2006 : 16:10:22
Originally posted by Tina

I agree with Lizzy B!!

So do I
Tina Posted - 14/04/2006 : 15:23:59
I agree with Lizzy B!!
Bobinbed Posted - 14/04/2006 : 12:26:04
I am so sad to hear that Arthur is ill. I hope that Robert Plant, who is a huge fan of Arthur Lee and Love, will do some kind of benefit concert.

I also hope that someone will delete all the kiddiefight posts previous to this, because I find it disrespectful to have stuff like that in a thread about a man's battle against cancer.

Get well Arthur!

- "What do you mean it's a literary high?"
- "It's a Kafka high. It makes you feel like a bug."
waxburn Posted - 13/04/2006 : 02:39:49
Originally posted by Neil

Hi There

I live in Dublin and was thinking of organising a benefit gig for Arthur, nothing big just local bands doing Love covers, stuff like that. Anyway I'm sure it won't raise a huge amount but every little bit helps towards paying Arthur's bills. Would anyone be able to tell me how I would be able to send the money we make onto Arthur?

Every bit helps. There is contact info on the first post of this thread.
Neil Posted - 12/04/2006 : 23:15:24
Hi There

I live in Dublin and was thinking of organising a benefit gig for Arthur, nothing big just local bands doing Love covers, stuff like that. Anyway I'm sure it won't raise a huge amount but every little bit helps towards paying Arthur's bills. Would anyone be able to tell me how I would be able to send the money we make onto Arthur?
Merlyn Merlot Posted - 12/04/2006 : 05:31:04
Here's how the Nme is reporting about Arthur
mattwildswan Posted - 11/04/2006 : 22:47:22
Get well soon Arthur! I'm looking forward to the new recordings as your past efforts have brought me so much happiness!
Love & Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!!
astrolobe33 Posted - 11/04/2006 : 22:15:34
Right. Y'all just enjoy yerselves then.
kdion11 Posted - 11/04/2006 : 22:00:43
Originally posted by astrolobe33

That's not press, it's just piss.

You can scroll down too !

Free the piss !
astrolobe33 Posted - 11/04/2006 : 21:18:31
That's not press, it's just piss.
kdion11 Posted - 11/04/2006 : 21:15:38
Originally posted by The sweet disorder

That's your problem Kdion you can't ignore Waxburn..All three of you think it's your given right to have the last word on everything. Personally I find your childish rants faintly amusing but it's obviously affecting other poster's on the board, which I think is your's and the skateboarding marine boy's intention. It's obvious to anybody that if Arthur Lee announced he intended to do a country album, quoting lyrics from Rice Krispies packets with a one armed guitarist backing him..Waxburn would look for the good in it. Unfortunately you do not have the ability (or IQ) to stop yourself commenting on his (rose tinted glasses) view.

Just a reminder for you..the thread started with bad news about Arthur..just in case you'd forgotten

Too bad sweet disorder. If you don't like it, SCROLL DOWN !

Free the press !
Lizzyb Posted - 11/04/2006 : 19:37:15

waxburn Posted - 11/04/2006 : 18:38:52
Originally posted by ZFarrar

Sure it got out of hand, but then hippy-dippy Sweet Disorder chimes in again and slams me, what a hypocrite. I may be a juiced up ex Marine who plays a bad ass slide guitar, but I've never owned a skateboard in my life. Then he attacks Kdion, Those who live in glass know the drill..quit the horse **** and let's see what we can do to raise some funds for Arthur is that clear-?!

"I'd Rather Be A King In Hell,than Stooge in Heaven"-Freddy Blassie

The man is sick, can't you give it a break
ZFarrar Posted - 11/04/2006 : 18:30:48
Sure it got out of hand, but then hippy-dippy Sweet Disorder chimes in again and slams me, what a hypocrite. I may be a juiced up ex Marine who plays a bad ass slide guitar, but I've never owned a skateboard in my life. Then he attacks Kdion, Those who live in glass know the drill..quit the horse **** and let's see what we can do to raise some funds for Arthur is that clear-?!

"I'd Rather Be A King In Hell,than Stooge in Heaven"-Freddy Blassie
Tina Posted - 11/04/2006 : 18:28:09
Hear hear both Gill and Susan. I find it almost inconceivable that folks are squabbling like this on the board when Arthur is so ill. I also would love to be able to help out in any way I can.

To the people out there who are in contact with Arthur, could you possibly let us have some more information as to what is going on, both as regards Arthur's progress medically but also as regards how fans can help him out. I know that there has been some info about possible benefit gigs but the information seems to be contradictory. Also it all seems to be US based whereas there are an awful lot of fans in the UK and Europe. Please get in touch be email if you don't want to go public.

And guys - get back to the playground please, my guess is that most folks here don't want to have to plough through your rantings to get to stuff we actually want to read.

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