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 Donald Trump used a Neil Young song

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
underture Posted - 17/06/2015 : 16:19:03
Trump tried to use "Rockin' In The Free World" as the theme song to his presidential campaign kickoff. To quote Croz, "Bad Idea"


You set the scene
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lemonade kid Posted - 18/06/2015 : 13:36:49
Originally posted by underture

Trump tried to use "Rockin' In The Free World" as the theme song to his presidential campaign kickoff. To quote Croz, "Bad Idea"


You set the scene

Neil will likely stop that - what a fool Trump makes of himself, on a regular basis. Yeah he has a butt load of cash, but any film-flammer can con the masses out of their hard earned money.

Didn't some Tea Party schmuck try to use Springsteen's Born In The USA for their campaign song-- the Boss put a stop to that right away...of course if they had listened to the words, they would have realized that the song was speaking volumes against everything the Tea-Pees sadly endorse.


So much music, so little time.

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