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jim Posted - 11/01/2013 : 15:18:00
Hi People

Some may remember me from years back...due to various things happening in my life i've sadly not been able to visit as much as i would have liked to.

So hi to those friend new & old


Jim H ,Isle of Wight UK.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jim Posted - 13/01/2013 : 20:51:47
Thanks Torben & thanks for sorting my log on out.
torben Posted - 12/01/2013 : 17:56:07
Good to have you back Jim
jim Posted - 12/01/2013 : 14:43:49
Fantastic Stuff!
lemonade kid Posted - 11/01/2013 : 21:01:27
Originally posted by jim

Hey LK!

Still travelling backwards & forwards,but i get down to the IOW often.

I dont have alot of access to a PC these days but i'll do my best to keep up.

Seen the PT a few times in the last few years,a great gig in Southsea may i add,turns out my partner of 8 years Lisa is good friends with Dick Taylor.

I'll be back as often as possible....hope all cool with you

Very best wishes


I ended up getting a signed vinyl copy of "Pretty Things & Philippe deBarge" album. A very cool album from the time between SF Sorrow & Parachute, as you likely know. Cheers.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
jim Posted - 11/01/2013 : 20:32:44
Hey LK!

Still travelling backwards & forwards,but i get down to the IOW often.

I dont have alot of access to a PC these days but i'll do my best to keep up.

Seen the PT a few times in the last few years,a great gig in Southsea may i add,turns out my partner of 8 years Lisa is good friends with Dick Taylor.

I'll be back as often as possible....hope all cool with you

Very best wishes

lemonade kid Posted - 11/01/2013 : 18:09:22
Originally posted by jim

Hi People

Some may remember me from years back...due to various things happening in my life i've sadly not been able to visit as much as i would have liked to.

So hi to those friend new & old


Jim H ,Isle of Wight UK.

Jim, my friend! So good to have you back. Are you on Isle Of Wright full time now?

I do hope you post as you used to.....and often! Your musical tastes run parallel to mine. Any news from the Pretties?


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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