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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rocker Posted - 08/01/2013 : 19:01:51
heh heh I'm getting my kicks being 'Lord of the Manor' watching this series. Nice lifestyle if you can get it!...........Seems the world can't get enough of it. Even the North Koreans have gone nuts on this look into the lives of English aristos.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemonade kid Posted - 13/01/2013 : 16:01:57
Originally posted by rocker

And a rec..maybe you've seen it... "A Dance to the Music of Time"...pretty good series on the lives of a bunch of guys as they go through life. It's got that UK series feel if you get the drift.

Looks to be a great British mini-series.

Have you viewed another great UK series (starring our hero Bates, from Downton Abbey)? "Lark Rise To Candleford"

Oh and the fantastic mini-series"Cranford" with Dame Judi Dench.

...all in the tradition of "Downton Abbey".


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.
rocker Posted - 12/01/2013 : 20:14:04
And a rec..maybe you've seen it... "A Dance to the Music of Time"...pretty good series on the lives of a bunch of guys as they go through life. It's got that UK series feel if you get the drift.
lemonade kid Posted - 08/01/2013 : 22:40:57
We love it! We discovered it on a "watch for free" site long before it aired over here, or before it was a hit around the world--and have been ahead of the loop since.

We found the newest & second Christmas episode online (it aired on Christmas day in the UK) and are waiting to find time to watch it.


Old hippies never die, they just ramble on.

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