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 NHL back; do we care?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
underture Posted - 08/01/2013 : 15:59:33
The National Hockey League got off of their mountain and apparently deemed it OK to actually play some this season. We are so fortunate that they are willing to share their talents with us...OK, sarcasm aside, does anybody care? Capt. are you going to follow the Bruins or is the money grubbing between the owners and players too much?


You set the scene
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
underture Posted - 23/01/2013 : 20:45:22
I don't know what the NFL's policy is about blacking out markets during home football games, but LA didn't want a team because they would never sell out the Coliseum for either the Rams or Raiders and thus couldn't watch any other games that specific weekend. LA fans are notorious for their lack of loyalty.


You set the scene
captain america and billy Posted - 10/01/2013 : 21:54:44
These people are unreal.Just when they seem to be gaining in the public's eye as a major pro sports/televison media entity,they frigen go on strike or there's a lockout or something.You know what else is sadly missed in the sports broadcasting world?The fact that the nation's second largest tv audience,the often mystiquely storied city of Los Angeles, doesn't have a frigen pro football team!

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