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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kula John Posted - 10/04/2011 : 13:41:36
Hi all,

So you may notice from my location status that I'm teaching in Chittagong, Bangladesh now. I'm writing a new blog from here so if anyone's interested you can find it here and subscribe if you so wish!


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Kula John Posted - 02/04/2015 : 06:18:49
After a long, long time of not shamelessly publicizing my own blog, here is a reminder of it

Most of the inspiration now comes from being in bangladesh once again.

I also update my photo gallery very often,

For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 23/01/2013 : 20:39:49
Here are a couple of blog updates from down here in sunny Guyana where the rum flows freely and Jim Jones is just a distant memory...

Georgetown, Guyana

A Bad Day for Scorpions

Best Wishes,

For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 10/09/2012 : 02:10:32
Hi all,

This is my final blog update from Bangladesh. I actually left at the end of June, but have only just got around to summing up.

I'm now on the same timezone as some of you, as I recently started a new job in Guyana.

Under One Sun: A Tribute to Bangladesh


For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 04/07/2012 : 11:34:51
Two new blogs;

The first is more of a photo blog displaying the lives of Bangladeshi fishermen at Cox's Bazar.

For all men are equal before fish...

The second is a reflection on how I made an effort to connect my teaching experiences in Rwanda to Bangladesh.

Tell people what happened here teacher

I hope you enjoying reading these,


For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 26/05/2012 : 08:00:31
Hi all,

Another blog update.

Entitled 'A Quiet Place' it describes my experience of visiting a unique location in Chittagong. It was a very moving and particularly surprising experience.



For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 01/05/2012 : 18:07:59
Here's my next blog from Bangladesh.

It's a photo blog mainly, which provides a brief description through words and images of an ancient Hindu festival I attended recently.

Beautiful Bangladesh – Swinging Devotees and Sunsets

Hope you enjoy the photos.


For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
rocker Posted - 28/03/2012 : 16:08:45
ok kj..I'm checking out those rules..pls give me some time to digest!..this is diff stuff for a US man.....hey what do they call a riot in cricket??? It's a 'rhubarb' in beisbol....
Kula John Posted - 26/03/2012 : 06:23:49
Hi all

Here's my next update -

It's all about my recent experience of conducting interviews for potential new students to AUW. I met some incredibly interesting young students during the day.

'If you could have dinner with any figure from history who would it be?'


For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
rocker Posted - 05/03/2012 : 15:21:31
5 days I can't believe it! I guess it's the tea drinking, eh???..
Kula John Posted - 05/03/2012 : 06:54:47
Hey Rocker - yeh 20/20 cricket is for the lazy cricket fan! It's good entertainment, but not the true spirit of cricket (in my view), but I can see why it's popular. I'm a purist and therefore enjoy the 5 day format...yes, 5 days!

Here's a good link which may help you.

If you have any questions let me know!

For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
rocker Posted - 02/03/2012 : 14:07:32
Good to hear from you Kula...I like the fact that you're involved in cricket over there. I read some of your stuff on cricket. Surprised that that it has many rules and takes a while to master them. (you don't think that's why "test 20" or whatever that is is getting popular?) Here cricket matches don't get broadcast as much obviously as baseball, football etc so we're "behind the 8 ball" when it comes to knowing alot about the game. I was thinking can you note an example of what happens in an "inning"..i.e. maybe just doing the "basics"?? Frankly, I could use some crick "ejikation"! And if it's too much to write down here ok just send me to a good book or something, eh?
Kula John Posted - 02/03/2012 : 08:06:36
And yes Anthony, Bangladesh does have a lot of trouble with flooding. It's a real problem here. Living in Chittagong has meant I haven't witnessed its full effects, however i know rural areas and those close to rivers and deltas are often living in extremely precarious conditions

For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
Kula John Posted - 02/03/2012 : 08:04:07
Greetings again one and all! Here's a new update for anyone interested. This one is all about my global experiences of the game i!

Amar nam John. Amar Cricket Bhalo Lage.

This isn't just for cricket fans however, and hopefully it's interesting for all readers!


For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....
anthonxytel Posted - 01/03/2012 : 14:53:26
Isn't Bangladesh that area that gets flooded from time to time? or did I get my geography mixed up? If yes brave man :D
Kula John Posted - 05/02/2012 : 07:25:51
Happy New Year!

Here's my next update from Bangladesh. Entitled 'An Eyewitness to Genocide: Life as a Bangladeshi UN Peacekeeper,' this update is far more serious than the last, but hopefully no less interesting. It describes an encounter I had recently at AUW which brought together my African and South Asian experiences.

For the time that I've been given's such a little while and the things that I must do consist of more than style....

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