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 Snow storm of the decade....

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 09/12/2009 : 16:09:37
Who else here is being affected by this massive storm today?

We already have 12" of snow and likely 18" whem it's over. But the 50mph winds are the big story. Many interstate highways and roads are closed here in Iowa, and the snow plows are being called in.....too dangerous for them and they can't keep up.....10 to 18 foot drifts over the highways and they say it will only get worse later today and tonight with temperatures dropping to -5F (-20 C) with wind chills of 50 below and more!

this was supposed to be a warmer than normal/less snow winter and we are already at 1/2 the snowfall of last winter in ONE DAY!

So much for the "la nina" theory.

We'll have a white Christmas!
As long as we all stay inside and safe..I LOVE IT!!

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rocker Posted - 10/12/2009 : 14:51:18
heh heh in the city I've seen worse...I remember snow piled a story high..took 4 years to melt...
Joe Morris Posted - 10/12/2009 : 04:53:14
here in NYC its wretched and cold, with the odd wet snow at night

Doubt if it'll be a white Christmas though, as it really hasn't gotten that cold (yet). In the city it was in the mid 50s - cooler in New Jersey of course..
John9 Posted - 09/12/2009 : 21:02:46
No hasn't passed by this way as of yet. But curiously, only yesterday afternoon, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a play entitled Winter Storm. Set on a university campus in Iowa, its central character is a Scottish professor of poetry who is doing a year long stint over there. Being in his early 50s, he is anxious about losing the relationship he has with his new partner back in Glasgow. As a severe snowstorm sets in, the university is closed for the afternoon. As he tries to make his way back to his apartment, he finds that the gathering snow has obliterated all the familiar landmarks by which he normally navigates and at one point, we believe that his very life is in danger. All this of course serves as a metaphor for the emotional wilderness which, he senses is threatening to overwhelm him. I won't keep everyone in has an unexpectedly happy ending....leaving us with the thought that it is better not to pass on second chances...should we be fortunate enough to get them in our middle years.

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