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 Soccer instant replay.....

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemonade kid Posted - 20/11/2009 : 15:42:28
After the blown call on the illegal hand play by the French player (Ireland screwed AGAIN!), should there be instant replay for blown calls at goal?

If it was your team England, that got screwed out of the World Cup, would you be yelling for instant review of a play to see if the refs got it wrong?! Even the French player said there should be a RE-play-off match between France and Ireland. Too big of a game NOT to have instant replay? It works over here for our football. No one likes to have a game determined by a bad call.

A big controversy here on sports networks.....

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
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rocker Posted - 03/12/2009 : 14:20:18
Good point. What gets me is that the VIDEO replay itself didn't negate the "goal". Ridiculous if you ask me. To not use it in judging contentious issues in a game is just stupid. I still can't believe they let France in the WC on that. Boggles my mind but I don't run FIFA... ...Another point I was reading about recently is the number of refs in a game. With today's players and their talents and absolute speed it's kind of crazy to have only one guy in charge of the match and keeeping an eye on 22 players on the pitch for a 90 minutes or so. All it takes is a second and a player can blow right by him and leave him in the dust. That ref has to be in shape keeping up with the likes of Drogbas and Adebayors and lennons!
Kula John Posted - 03/12/2009 : 00:34:29
Bottom line is Henry cheated and he knows he cheated. An interesting viewpoint was that maybe referees should ask the players outright. So in this case the ref approaches Henry and says 'So Thierry, did you handle the ball?' Henry says 'Yep I handled it ref'...ok no goal, move on. OR Henry says 'Nope, I didn't handle it ref'...ok, goal to France. Then after the game replays reveal Henry did in fact handle it (quite blatantly) and his reputation is instantly ruined due to some seriously bad sportsmanship.

This is the time and this is the time and it is time, time, time, time, time, time, time.....
John9 Posted - 03/12/2009 : 00:28:45

I'm about to experience an (almost) instant replay. I've just returned from seeing Manchester City hammer the Arsenal young pretenders 3-0 tonight........and now I'm going through to the lounge to watch the really is true that you cannot have too much of good thing!
rocker Posted - 02/12/2009 : 21:02:21
Yes, that would be great! And we got 2 votes already for Eire...
lemonade kid Posted - 02/12/2009 : 18:50:55
Originally posted by rocker

hmmmm..maybe Eire can get in as an "extra" team in the World Cup? And it looks like the football powers are going to speak with Thierry for his interference with a circular object in front of goal. Things that won't happen:...Henry in the Irish League...

Kind of like the "extra" team in the NCAA basketball championship...field of 64 teams has been 65 now for a few years....letting that extra deserving small school team in that otherwise never would have made it.

SO the draw starts Friday in S. Africa. We'll have to start a World Cup thread!

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
rocker Posted - 02/12/2009 : 16:20:01
hmmmm..maybe Eire can get in as an "extra" team in the World Cup? And it looks like the football powers are going to speak with Thierry for his interference with a circular object in front of goal. Things that won't happen:...Henry in the Irish League...
caryne Posted - 23/11/2009 : 14:49:29
Originally posted by rocker

heh heh how's the betting over there??? They say it ain't happening in the Premiership but there's a lot of hanky-panky going on with fixing matches in some other leagues!

I'm sure it goes on everywhere, where money is involved there is corruption.
rocker Posted - 23/11/2009 : 14:36:38
heh heh how's the betting over there??? They say it ain't happening in the Premiership but there's a lot of hanky-panky going on with fixing matches in some other leagues!
caryne Posted - 20/11/2009 : 20:32:51
lk... there's been calls for a change for years but, as you say, it is part of the game and, like I said, I reckon if England would have qualified for the World Cup in the way France did there wouldn't have been much fuss over here! Change will come, one day but probably not from the teams themselves as they win as many as they lose with the system as it is.
lemonade kid Posted - 20/11/2009 : 18:57:46
Right..some times you win on those calls...sometimes you lose. I understand.

But I feel flat about a win due to a bad call...even the French player (who I'm sure is HAPPY to be in the World CUP), still feels not quite as good as when the win is a good bad calls. Inside it's..we won but not really....

It is a part of the game. Same for baseball over is a controversy too. But I don't think the ref should become, in essence, an extra teammate for the "winning" ream thru a bad call...Get enough bad calls for some major teams and then the call will grow for a change.

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
caryne Posted - 20/11/2009 : 18:22:53
I don't disagree with you lk, all I'm saying is bad calls go both ways, some you win some you lose. rocker is right, FIFA don't want change but it will have to come as it has in many other games.

Until FIFA say it's ok though no country in the world will be able to have it for football matches.
lemonade kid Posted - 20/11/2009 : 18:01:32
That is what we have here--football & basketball..a closed/hooded TV with instant replay (on the side-lines) that the refs can review & see if they got it right.

It took a while to get it over here (decades), but no one regrets it now....overturning a bad call can really affect the game ...for the better. No ones feels good about winning or losing due to a really bad call.

Everybody's got something to hide 'cept for me and my monkey.
rocker Posted - 20/11/2009 : 17:33:15
lk/caryne...From the way I see it FIFA is a very very conservative org and they aren't comfortable with change. This "illegal" stuff just didn't happen the other day. There have been plenty of other blown calls for sure in the past. Kind of riduclous that they don't use tech to check out BLATANT mistakes. But man they'll put in tech to get the bettors goin'!!!..I see no way France would relinquish that "win"..too much dinero at stake. I'll eat my hat if they don't go to SA!!...
caryne Posted - 20/11/2009 : 16:12:29
Sorry it's the language thing again but it took me a while to work out what a 'blown call' was! Anyway, yes, of course it was a hand ball and it's really awful that Ireland should miss out on the World Cup in that way BUT missed calls happen all the time in football, some go your way some do not, that's the game. If England, for example, would have qualified for the World Cup in the way that France did I doubt many people would have complained.
To be honest the only way this will be sorted out is for the game to have some sort of electronic back up for the Referee, no one has eyes in the back of their head and these problems will always occur until a change is made. We've discussed this before on here and, from what I understand, the FA in England is in favour of it but FIFA (the international body) seem to be dragging their heels (a cost thing I suspect).

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