Festival Hall, London
UK, January 15. 2003
Last Update: 03.
oktober 2003

Seven & Seven Is
Orange Skies
My Little Red Book
Your Mind and We Belong Together
Signed D.C.
Robert Montgomery
Alone Again Or
A House is not a Motel
The Daily Planet
Old Man
The Red Telephone
Maybe the People Would Be the Times or Between Clark and Hilldale
Live and Let Live
The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This
Bummer in the Summer
You Set the Scene
My Flash on You
Everybody's Gotta Live
She Comes in Colors
Stephanie Knows Who
Always See Your Face
Listen to my Song
A House is not a Motel
Singing Cowboy
My Anthem
Photos by: Chris Jones, Keith Stodart and Dukie Anderson
Flavour is in the Hole!!!
Well that's the set list, but inevitably seeing it in print like
that really only tells half the story. The four members of Baby Lemonade came on
first from stage right, led if I remember by Rusty Squeezebox. Then came Arthur
himself to rapturous applause and people standing to cheer him on to stage
center. He was wearing a black cowboy type hat, which soon was changed for a
similarly-styled though broader-brimmed fawn coloured number. Under this Arthur
wore a red and white bandanna around his head. He had a brilliant white shirt
with tassels all down the sleeves, then jeans and what looked like white cowboy
boots with brown toecaps. He looked fantastic and immediately sounded well on
form as he greeted the crowd in a warm and amiable manner. In fact he maintained
this ly manner all the
way through the concert, which suggests he really enjoyed himself - I hope I'm
right! There were lots of calls throughout the evening from the auditorium, many
of which Arthur replied to with amusing quips.
A roady brought on his guitar, a white Fender strat., and placed the strap round
Arthur's shoulders and this gave the band the cue to turn and, wow! suddenly
there was the searing, pounding beat intro to Seven & Seven Is, and
immediately we knew we were in for a fabulous evening. The sound seemed good to
my, admittedly, ageing and jaded ears, and certainly an improvement on sound for
the somewhat dull support band Draw earlier. The swing into action was so
immediate, yet clearly the band were on song together with all four consistently
giving Arthur everything he needed to complement his singing and playing through
each song. The first number brought a standing ovation from an excited crowd,
many of whom rose to their feet as they applauded, something which Arthur was to
witness regularly as each number finished. That first set of six songs was pure
pre-"Forever Changes"
as the band played beautiful renditions of material off "Da Capo",
before shifting forwards to a fabulous "Robert Montgomery" from
"Four Sail", which for me was where
started to lose their way. At this point, from stage right came the string and
brass players and suddenly all that expectation, all that excitement that had
begun with those first announcements that the whole thing was going to happen at
all, all that heady adrenalin was there on stage and just waiting, waiting ….
"Yeah, said it's alright …." Twenty-four hours on, and too exhausted
to drive up to Oxford for tonight's gig, I am finding it hard to express how I
felt as those oh-so-familiar notes trippled from the guitars into that expectant
auditorium and now, yes, after thirty-five years, "Forever Changes"
was happening here in London, and I'm there, my head, my ears, my eyes, my
heart, to experience the sheer beauty of the band's creation as we move into the
first of those eleven wonderful tracks. Then in came those shimmering strings
perfectly, the trumpets and trombone, and I'm feeling parts of me trembling, yes
trembling, with pure excitement and a joy that only ever this music has caused
in me. It possibly wasn't perfect, there may have been an odd bum note and maybe
once Arthur hit the wrong key, or needed a lyric stand, or the sound guys didn't
have it quite right, but hey, wait, yes, for me, it was perfect, cos I missed
those little things if they did happen. The more I think about what I
experienced last night, the more I realize that this was the best concert I ever
was at, because my experience was pure and wonderful, and also quite simply
beautifully joyous.
Of that album, there was not a single flawed moment, and highlights are hard to
pinpoint when every song is at such a high, but I guess "Old Man",
really in Arthur's words afterwards "Bryan's song", showed me yet
again why I have always d
that song more than any on the album. But I stress that I was in heaven with
every tune and I am so thankful that I saw and heard the songs delivered
"live" so exquisitely.
At the conclusion of "You Set the Scene" I suspect mine were not the
only eyes that had misted over, as the entire theatre rose to its feet and the
applause just went on and on and on. It had, I suspect certainly surpassed what
many may have expected after all this time, and Arthur's performance and that of
all the musicians onstage had been exhilarating and exciting, every person
contributing exactly what was necessary for such a perfect performance.
What followed, though not up to the "Forever Changes" we had just
witnessed, was still wonderful, a heady mix of more early stuff, alongside songs
from "Four Sail" and "Everybody's Gotta Live" from
Having announced a "new song", Arthur's words
faded into the sight of a clansman playing the bagpipes, and "My
Anthem", as he called the new title. To be honest, by this time I may have
been musically past caring as I had already seen something which I knew could
never be surpassed, but reflection today has told me that the new song is a bit
of a dud, even if the sentiments have their heart in the right place. So, no, I
won't see Arthur, Bryan, Michael, Johnny, Ken and all those others that have
played under that fabulous
banner through rose-tinted spectacles, because whilst I'll always buy anything
that has the group's name to it, for me, the golden period without any doubt saw
them through to album four, and not a lot further. And as I said earlier, head
and shoulders above any and all other musical creations, stands "Forever
Changes". I used to believe, and I suppose I still do, that copies of
"Forever Changes" should be available free to everyone on the National
Health. Listening to it could make a lot of people feel a whole lot better and
happier. Tonight I didn't need telling "You were so ly,
you didn't have to say a thing …" Arthur and Bryan, thank you, from deep
in my soul, for producing a work of such beauty and to all those musicians who
gave us tonight's fantastic, ly
performance, also, thank you … you I'll be following.
Graham Cole

Keith Stodart and David Housdon

Ian Grant, Track
Records, The man himself, Legendary 60/70's DJ Jeff Dexter and Nick
Laird-Clowes (Guitarist,Pink Floyd og David Gilmour colaborator)
Thanks to Rob Yates
Photo: Richard Young