Copenhagen, Denmark
March 12. 1970
Last Update:
februar 2007
see also Copenhagen March. 14. 1970
My Little Red Book
Orange Skies
Stand Out
Good Times
Gather 'Round
Always See Your Face
Signed D.C.
Slick Dick
Bummer In The Summer
Singing Cowboy
Love Is More Than Word
Copyright colour photos: Torben Hansen, Grufus Prod.
All following photos copyright: Bjarne Linde

Gary Rowles

Frank Fayad

George Suranovich
Advert for the TV program "A Group By The Name Love"


Translation of the above by Michael West.
Love and Defiance
The American Rock Group Love in Tivoli's Concert Hall
The legend of "Love" is about defiance. The message is defiance,
an admission of powerlessness. A fragile hope that things will be
different - an obstinate hope.
"It could be you don't want to hear my story or buy my songs,"
says Love's leader, Arthur Lee. He's trying to protect himself from what
has been done to him, as he has been trying from the beginning: They're
locking them up today. They're throwing away the key. I wonder who it'll
be tomorrow - you or me?"
Arthur Lee's songs concern people feeling nothingness - and it's no
coincidence that one of his most important songs he calls
"Nothing." Love is a motive imbued with searching. Arthur has
experienced love but it will always be a memory for him, something to look
back upon - "I will always see your face." But love is
dangerous, too, for it can be rediscovered and reawakened. But who wants
to risk disappointment?
There is loathing in Love's music. Loathing of a world that manipulates,
alienates, locks out honesty and openness as any possibility - and which
encourages everyone to shut up their souls in order to survive.
Love defended itself last night. It defended us all. It was a beautiful
concert - but it frightened us. Arthur and his three new musicians gave us
music that was harder and wilder than previously. American rock at its
best - direct, tense, in your face, furious. "No more bad times -
give us the good times," are the group's cry for help. But one hears
only vague hope when they sing: "Better too late than never."

Translation of the above by Michael West.
New Love Tones
Arthur Lee in Tivoli's Concert Hall - An Exciting Experience
It was strange and suspenseful to meet singer and guitarist Arthur Lee
on Tivoli's concert stage. The leader of the legendary underground group,
Love, whose former constellation has been disbanded and now continues with
just Arthur Lee and three new members. Love was, together with the Byrds,
the great American breakthrough band on the rock scene. They laid the
musical foundation for all that is now called the hippie generation. Love
chose to live in anonymity and to leave it to others to be world famous
bands, and it's first today that Arthur has shown up to harvest some
applause for his enormous contribution.
What one first looks for is what remains: what remains of the originally
beautiful, fantastic, precise and incredibly sentimental tones that are to
be heard on Love's first three records. The answer to what remains is not
much. For Arthur tried to recreate the feelings and the atmosphere close
to them. But time has moved on and his three new members seemed more
interested in rocking. It was as if Arthur Lee tried to remind himself as
well as us of what once had been, but it remained most a show number. But
a meeting with a new Arthur Lee was also impressive enough. He's a musical
authority on par with Jimi Hendrix and he guides his group with incredible
precision. His voice and his tones are much changed. The open and the
naked have been replaced by wildness and a more rock inspired energy.
Arthur Lee is still working on the edge. Where once it was sentimentality
it's now a balancing act between wildness and ecstasy, and all his use of
tones timed with a meticulous precision. However the music and lyrics of
his new songs still revolve around his same main theme - love. Everything
is either a nostalgic return, or an attempt to give the simple experience
a renewal. He examines everything again and again in a new light but from
the same focus as before. His new song, Better too Late Than Never in
lyric and music goes back to his first songs, and it's here that Arthur
Lee and Love show themselves to be one of our era's greatest rock bands -
and as one of the few to create and express a new perspective. A lot of
things in this concert could have been left out, but the new elements are
well worth hearing again.