Last Update:
november 2011
US singles
PS: Picture Sleeve, AS: Art Sleeve, TS: Title Sleeve.
My little red book/Message to pretty Elektra EK 45603 (66)
Scan of label
7 and 7 is/No. fourteen Elektra EK 45605 (67)
Scan of label
Stephanie knows who/Orange skies Elektra EK 45608 (67) -Withdrawn.
Scan of label
She comes in colours (2.06 edit)/Orange skies Elektra EK 45608 (Rev) (12/67)
Scan of label
Que vida (2.07 edit)/Hey Joe Elektra EK 45613 (67)
Scan of label
Alone again or (2.49 edit)/A house is not a motel Elektra EK 45629 (68)
Scan of label
Your mind and we belong together/Laughing stock Elektra EK 45633 (68)
Scan of promo label
Alone again or (2.49 edit)/Good times Elektra EK 45700 (70)
Scan of label
Alone again or (2.49 edit)/My little red book (Spun Gold Series) Elektra EK 45056 (??)
Scan of label
I'll pray for you (3.00 edit)/Stand out Blue Thumb BLU 106 (70)
Scan of promo label
Keep on shining (2.23 edit)/The everlasting first Blue Thumb BLU 7116 (70)
Scan of label
Time is like a river/same (Stereo/Mono) RSO SO 502 DJ
Scan of label or ST-SO-29611SP (74)
Time is like a river/With a little energy RSO SO 502 (74)
You said you would (2.24 edit)/same (Mono/stereo) RSO SO 506 DJ (75)
You said you would (2.24 edit)/Good old fashioned dream RSO SO 506 (75)
Scan of label
Girl on fire/Midnight sun Distortion Records DR-1017 (PS) (94)
Scan of PS and label
Rainbow in the Storm (2:24) / All I
want is You (3:35) /Love Me (3:18) / Message to Pretty (3:26) / Feathered
Fish (2:10)
Castleblue CDR-single (July 2004). Scan
All five songs were recorded in the former "Mad Dog Studios" in Venice,
California in 2004.
The "Feathered Fish" and "Message To Pretty" were new versions of songs from
long ago; the other three songs were the first completed "new songs" for a
projected album.
Mike Randle, Daddyo Green, Dave Chapple, and Rusty Squeezebox play on it,
accompanied on one or more tracks by Johnny Echols and the L.A. Strings &
Horns from the Forever Changes tour , among others.
Everlasting first/Everybodys gotta live Blue Thumb (Promo)
NB: DJ/Promo pressings exist for all Elektra and Blue Thumb issues. The only exception
might be Que vida and the Spun Gold release.
There exists copies of Stereo/Mono SO-502 with and without Promotion Copy on the label
The Goldmine 45rpm Record Price Guide list the following:
Revelation/Que vida Elektra 45613 (Stock/DJ)
Alone again or/A house is not a motel Elektra 45700 (Stock/DJ)
Do either of these exist?
Micro Cassette:
Hey Joe / My Little Red Book / 7 & 7 Is / Orange Skies Elektra EKZ 725
UK 45's
My little red book/Hey Joe London HLZ 10053 (17-6/66)
Scan of labels
7 and 7 is/No. fourteen London HLZ 10073 (9/66)
Scan of labels
She comes in colours (2.18 edit)/Orange skies Elektra EKSN 45010 (12/66)
Scan of labels
Softly to me/The castle Elektra EKSN 45016 (9/67)
Scan of labels
Alone again or (shortened edited intro)/Bummer in the summer Elektra EKSN 45024 (1/68)
Scan of labels
The daily planet/Andmoreagain Elektra EKSN 45026 (3/68)
Your mind and we belong together/Laughing stock Elektra EKSN 45038 (9/68)
Scan of labels
I'm with you/Robert Montgomery Elektra EKSN 45086 (2/70)
Alone again or/Bummer in the summer Elektra 2101-019 (10/70)
Stand out/Doggone (6.17 edit) Harvest HAR 5014 (3/70)
Scan of labels
The everlasting first/Keep on shining Harvest HAR 5030 (10/70)
Alone again/Andmoreagain Elektra K 12113 (7/73)
Scan of labels
Time is like a river/You said you would RSO 2090 151 (1/75)
Scan of labels
Alone again or/The castle (Treasured Tracks issue) Elektra K 12231 (-/84)
Softly to me/The castle (Caterpillar label) Elektra 45016 (-/-)
Alone again or (shortened edited intro)/Bummer in the summer Elektra 45024 (-/-)
Alone again or/Andmoreagain Elektra E9740 (PS) (-/-)
Scan of PS and label
NB: Terry Hounsomes Singles Files book lists Good times as the b-side to I'm with you -
does this exist?
DJ/Promo pressings exist for both London 45s, both Harvest 45s and Elektra K12113.
The Treasured Tracks 45 also as a mispress - the a-side plays Andmoreagain.
A later issue of Elektra 45024 has smooth orange label & silver lettering.
Foreign Singles
7 And 7
Is/No. Fourteen Astor AP-1275 Scan
of label
Alone Again Or/A House Is Not A Motel Astor AP-1469
Time is like a river/You said you would RSO 2090151 (1974)
Keep on shining/The everlasting first Harvest 6E00692011 (PS) (70)
Scan of PS and label
7 And 7 Is / No Fourteen
Vogue Int. 80056 Scan
Alone again or / A house is not a motel Vogue INT 80132 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
Stand out/Listen to my song Blue Thumb 2c006 91524 (PS)
Scan of PS and labels
Keep on shining/The everlasting first Blue Thumb 2C006-92011 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
My little red book/A message to pretty /Hey Joe/Emotions (EP) Vogue 18072 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
7 and 7 is/And more/No. fourteen/You I’ll be following (EP) Vogue 18095 (PS)
Scan of PS
Five String Serenade (Vocal & Instrumental versions) (3" CD Single) New Rose NEWCD
166 (1992) Scan of PS
My little red book / Hey Joe Vogue DV 14538 (AS)
Scan of PS
August/Good times Metronome 27055 (PS) Scan of PS and label
Keep on shining/The everlasting first Blue Thumb 006-92011 (PS)
Scan of PS
My little red book/A message to pretty Vogue INT 80045 (TS)
Scan of sleve and label
7 and 7 is/No. fourteen Vogue HV 2068 (PS) Scan of PS and label
Alone again or / A house is not a motel Elektra EK 45629 (AS)
Scan of PS
Alone again or/Good times Elektra EKS 45700 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
Your mind and we belong together/Laughing stock Elektra EKS 45633 (AS)
The everlasting first/ Keep on shining Blue Thumb 006-92011 (TS)
My little red book/A message to pretty Vedette VRN 34074 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
7 and 7 is/My Little Red Book Elektra Jet-1715
Scan of PS
Stand out/You are something Blue Thumb HIT 1814 (PS)
Scan of PS
Keep on shining/The everlasting first
Scan of PS
Keep on shining/Flying/Ride that vibration/Love is coming (EP) Stateside 016 92401
(PS) Scan of PS
Stand Out / Doggone Blue Thumb J006 91450 (PS)
Scan of PS and label
Stand Out / Doggone Harvest HARJ5014 Scan
Keep on shining/The everlasting first Harvest 4E00692011 (PS) (70)
Scan of PS and label